I Know One Chick Who Could Take That Down…

Does anyone think this is offensive?  If you walked by this shop window and noticed the giant penis on display, would you really be that upset?  Apparently enough people in this tiny British village found it to be unnerving.  Personally, I think it serves as motivation for all men who happen to cruise by on the sidewalk.  And for women, my goodness, it could probably be instantaneously orgasm-inducing.  I thought the Euros were all about this sort of thing.  They run some wild programs on public television and on paper seem to be light years ahead of Americans in the sexually enlightened department.  Perhaps the old guard found it to be truly gross in nature and demanded that the giant penis statue be taken down from the window.  If I had that thing, I would put it on my desk as a paperweight…then again, I work at NudeReviews and most people would probably want their picture taken with it a la Santa Claus at the mall.  That thing is like the cock version of Easter Island statues.  Imagine that; had Captain Cook landed on Easter Island and instead of giant head statues…penises.  Penis upon giant penis lining the beach; I would have freaked.

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