Help Me Save The Winter Olympics, Please!

Real Winter Olympics

Olympic Bore…

Does anyone have Olympics Fever?  I didn’t think so.  The Olympics are beyond antiquated and they need some serious spicing up.  Yes, yes I saw Shaun White tear the halfpipe apart in Men’s Snowboarding; but don’t forget that a few years ago there was no snowboarding in the Winter Games.  The Olympics remind me of 70’s retro-porn.  Better yet, the Olympics are one big hairy bush of a vagina.  It seemed to garner attention in the 60’s and 70’s, much like the hairy bush.  Then it was forgotten during the 80’s when the world was crumbling.  Unlike porn, which has made a momentous comeback in the 21st century, the Olympics still retain their poor pixel quality that was once a delight in the 70’s.  I certainly do not want to chair the IOC, but I think I have a few ideas that could work.

* Naked Perfect10 Model Curling
* Naked Giant Slalom
* Naked Pairs Figure Skating
* Speed Skating with Bengal Tigers

Just a few off the top of my head.  This could really help push the Olympics into modern times and give it the facelift needed to survive another decade or two.

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