Porn Cannot Hide…But Why Should It Have To?

The Porn Stick

Porn Detector…

This is bullshit.  Who created this device?  I bet Apple had something to do with it, they truly hate porn.  Basically this USB stick goes into a computer and finds all of the porn like a cyberspace bloodhound.  It is a police dog for your hard drive and I do not approve.  Parents concerned that their children are on the computer too often and must be hiding porn, now have a solution.  I think this notion is bogus.  Be thankful that your child is on the computer looking at porn and not in the woods or under a bridge mainlining heroin with their buddies.  It’s an easy decision in my mind.  Let the teens look for porn and not drug dealers.  If you catch your 14 year old son masturbating in the kitchen while you have dinner guests, then yes, we have a problem on our hands.  Allow the internet porn surfing to continue, just monitor it closely, but not too close…that could get weird.

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