One More Minute Officer, I’m Nearly Done…

front seat fuck

Aussies know the drill…

This guy is the MAN!  Unfortunately Australia is so far away that it took me an extra day to find this story.  Nevertheless I give you an amazing piece of news.  A 29 year old man in Australia was having sex in his car at a gas station, he is spotted by some eye-witnesses who dial the police, but he just won’t stop fucking.  That’s right.  Police respond to the call and ask the man to stop, he refuses and continues to bang it out.  This guy deserves a couple of high-fives and a beer, naturally; but this lady riding him in the front seat, she should get some kind of medal or shopping spree or something extravagant, right?  When you get the urge…sometimes you need to satisfy it.  The best part about this story is that it appears the young man finished.  No one should be arrested with a nasty case of blue-balls, it’s just unacceptable.

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