It’s Sperm Season, Get Your Antihistamine…


Natural Selection…

20,000 to 40,000 women in the United States alone have this problem, they are allergic to sperm.  Come on, we all know people who can not have pets because they allergic to animals but this is absurd.  Think about it, even though this is a very small part of the female population of the United States tens of thousands of women can never bare children.  This is the life’s dream of 99 percent of girls out there, picture perfect wedding, nice house, picket fence, KIDS. The all American dream, I guess this is the Higher Powers way of laughing at us, as I am sure that this allergy affects mostly women of decent behavior since it is not widely heard of.  This is a condition that should have been inherited by people like Nadya Suleman but no she is allowed to conceive 8 kids with out a job and living off of welfare.  They say in the animal kingdom that the individual who leaves more offspring around is the winner in evolution. I do not have kids yet, but I definitely feel that I am more of a winner than any of those broads that just keeps popping out kids so that can stay on government assistance.  And I truly feel sorry for the women that this condition affects for they will never feel the joy in having their own children.

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