Don’t be Wallet-Condom Guy…No One Likes Him



What’s the protocol on condoms.  I am always a bit lax on this situation because I still think a guy carrying around a condom in his pocket is a guy who is not getting laid that night.  Heat of the moment, passion ensuing, and she says, “do you have a condom?”  Of course you do, but you are gonna look like you knew you were getting action.  That makes her a slut in her own eyes, my friend, and you are officially in the doghouse.

Here are just a few ideas, fellas.  Start by constantly trying to be at your place when the evening hits the wee hours.  Think about it, condoms in your nightstand drawer look normal.  A lot different than than the alternative, aforementioned scenario; the one where she has the realization that you were walking around with a condom in your pocket all night because you thought you were getting laid for sure.  There is always the feeler, too.  I call it the feeler for two reasons.  One, you feel her out for potential unprotected sex, based upon several factors like alcohol consumption and outfit selection.  Two, you literally feel her out with the tip of your penis.  Risky, I don’t think so.  I have played ‘just the tip’ with more ladies than I can remember.  Unfortunately, my conversion rate is not as high as I would like.

Just remember to be a soldier in there.  Being prepared mentally, not just physically, can truly win the battle.  And the friend who tells you, “I’m sure you will bang her next time bro, don’t worry”…that guy hasn’t been laid in 2 years, please don’t take his advice over mine.

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